Dr. Gus Chaves

My Journey of Transformation

I was born in Brazil, but my early years were marked by a series of moves to different countries. While a significant portion of my childhood unfolded in the vibrant tapestry of Brazil, some of it was also spent in various foreign lands. Picture my upbringing surrounded by diverse cultures, where I encountered a multitude of challenges. These experiences played a pivotal role in shaping my journey toward becoming a medical doctor and hypnotherapist.

From my early years, I grappled with the pain of feeling 'different.' Bullying and discrimination became familiar companions in my life, whether it was because of my appearance, accent, or simply being my authentic self. These early adversities led me on a profound journey towards healing and self-discovery.

My journey took an unexpected turn in my early adulthood when studying business I realized that my true passion lay in helping people rather than companies. Despite my success in business school and apprenticeships, I yearned for a deeper purpose in life and took a deep dive into the medical field to follow my intuition.

While attending medical school, I incorporated its methodical approach into my clinical repertoire, but there was always something missing. I found refuge in well-structured Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture study groups, where I embraced a holistic approach to healing. I also delved into the world of yoga, creating yoga programs for overburdened medical students, and discovered how the art of clowning could be a transformational tool for developing empathy and providing wellbeing to patients.

As I graduated and worked as a General Practitioner, I realized that my most profound moments of impact were when I played the role of a therapist, offering genuine connection and understanding. My medical expertise, though highly valuable, often took a backseat. It became clear that people don't heal from medicine alone; they heal through humane, genuine connection and empathy.

This realization led me to the world of hypnotherapy, where I could combine my medical expertise, knowledge of Chinese Medicine, and my empathetic, fun-loving persona. Today, I stand at the intersection of medical science, holistic healing, and the transformative power of hypnotherapy.

If you're struggling with weight concerns and low self-esteem or even trauma, I invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation with me. Together, we can overcome the challenges holding you back and unlock your true potential.

I'm passionate about helping you heal, change, lose weight, and move forward. This isn't just a profession for me; it's a calling, a mission to improve people's health and lives. Connect with me, and let's begin this transformative journey together.

Dr. Gus Chaves

Plant Dad


